My love affair with the boulevardier cocktail (pronounced bool-ah-vard-ee-a) was a slow burn. To just put it out there so you know what we’re working with here, a boulevardier is essentially a negroni where you switch out the gin for bourbon. But as with any Campari drink, it’s an a acquired taste, so you have […]
Cocktail Recipes
How to Make a Negroni: The Easiest Negroni Recipe Ever
There may not be an easier cocktail in the world to make than a negroni. Unfortunately, depending on your tastes this may also be the most polarizing cocktail in the world. It’s strong, bitter, and despite it’s pinkish-hue, is certainly not a drink for the weak. But for those who enjoy it, there aren’t many […]
Daiquiri Recipe: How to Make a Perfect Classic Daiquri
When it comes to the classic drinks, there aren’t many that are more versatile (or delicious) than the venerable daiquiri. It’s amazing to me that still to this day when I’m out with friends and tell them I want a daiquiri, they give me this weird look like “Really, bro? What, do you think we’re […]
Jungle Bird Recipe: One of the Best Campari Cocktails on Earth
The Jungle Bird should have been one of the very first cocktails I wrote about on this site. It’s got so much going for it. It’s strong, yet balanced. It’s sweet and it’s bitter. It’s a great base with which to experiment. It’s versatile, delicious, and quite simply, it’s one of my favorite cocktails in the world. […]
Pineapple Daiquiri: The Best Way to Use Plantation Pineapple Rum
Recently, I wrote about one of my favorite liquors (if not my absolute favorite) in the world: Plantation Pineapple Rum. In that post, I wrote about using the rum as a unique negroni variation, but for the average person, the most likely use case for this rum would be in a Pineapple daiquiri – also […]